You don’t have to look far to see the world’s in a mess. A German pilot deliberately brings down a plane into the French alps and kills 150 innocent people due to his depression. Yemen is in shambles due to the civil war between Sunni and Shitte Muslims and sectarian tribes.
Yes, Good Friday is here, but Sunday’s coming.
In Boston we are following the murder trial of former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez rt as he faces a charge of murder for the killing of 26-year-old Odin Lloyd. We’re also following the Boston Marathon bombing trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Yes, Good Friday is here, but Sunday’s coming.
Boston Police Officer John T. Moynihan approached a stopped vehicle last Friday, stood by the driver’s door, and taps on the edge of the roof to tell him to come out. As the driver, Angelo West, emerges, Moynihan shifts on his feet — and suddenly rears back as West shoots him in the face.
Yes, Good Friday is here, but Sunday’s coming.
You are called into your boss’s office and thanked for all your years of service, but the company is downsizing and he has to let you go. You get a call from your doctor. The biopsy came back positive. You come home from work and find a note that says your marriage has gone stale and she’s not coming back. Your kid has just bullied a child on the playground for the fifth time and you don’t know what to do.
Yes, Good Friday is here, but Sunday’s coming.
That’s the power of the Easter message. Yes, we live in a Good Friday world, but that’s not the end of the story. Against all odds and all expectations God raised Jesus from the tomb. He burst the bonds of death. He threw down a gauntlet on Easter day and said, “Enough! Enough death, enough injustice, enough suffering, enough violence!” In Christ, God has overcome all that besets us and promises life. Easter is the first stake in the ground that the kingdom of God has arrived. Hallelujah!